Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Just Joking Around

I find some of the most offensive jokes in the world absolutely hilarious. Does that make me a bad person? I have been giving it some deep thought, and I've come to the conclusion that it does not. I'm writing this post as much to articulate my thoughts to myself, as I am to seek the approval (hopefully) and insights of the readers.

Some of the jokes that I enjoy, I know would deeply offend some of my closest friends. There are some in particular which I think would be enough to break friendships entirely. Despite this, I find these jokes funny but refrain from sharing them.

Somebody once said that ethics is "doing the right thing, even when nobody is watching". If one were to extend the same logic here, one could argue - that if I believe that cracking an offensive joke in the presence of someone that was certain to be offended, is wrong - and I do believe that, then laughing at the same joke privately inside my head would also be wrong - even though no one is being offended. But this depends on me "knowing" someone who is likely to be offended. What if I encounter an offensive joke about Eskimos. I don't know any Eskimos so does that make it okay for me to laugh at the joke privately? And if I then befriend an Eskimo tomorrow am I to feel guilty of laughing at the same joke? To me this seems absurd.

A person's sense of humour is a highly individual trait and the reaction to a joke often impulsive, maybe even emotional at some level. So we should not judge ourselves for this, no matter how dark the humour maybe. Especially since the act of enjoying a joke privately is not done with the intent of harming or offending anybody. I suppose one could draw an analogy here with the difference between "culpable homicide" and "culpable homicide amounting to murder" as defined in the Indian Penal Code.

That's it. I'm done feeling guilty. Time to listen to some Jimmy Carr :) :)

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