Sunday, July 27, 2014

Why Would You?

I was thinking to myself, "Why would anyone read my blog"? I'm not really an authority figure in any area of human knowledge. Nor am I offering any tangible rewards in the form of freebies to those that do. So why? Could it be just general curiosity, a certain liking for my writing or maybe an interest or respect even, for my opinion? Come on, who am i kidding! But then, it hit me. I was asking the wrong question. The correct question to ask would be "Why do I write a blog"? And the answer is I really don't know. I think a part of me writes because I feel like I need to connect with people more, and this offers a measurable, limited medium of interaction. There's no need to be chatty and make small talk. No need for making plans and scheduling time in advance. You read if you want, when you want - full stop. It's connecting, without overheads. And that's what I like about it. To read my blog is to know me. Because this is where I pour out my thoughts and views, unhindered and unbiased. Well for the most part at least. We all have certain politically incorrect views that we keep to ourselves and I am no different.

Nowadays, more often than not, I find myself in a contemplative mood, pondering various subjects, trying to form an opinion on matters that have no bearing on my life whatsoever. And that makes me wonder - to what end? What is the point of it all? Why should I bother to have an opinion on the subject of whether religion is good or evil, whether God exists or not, or whether it is right that I should judge people for their religious beliefs? Why should I bother to choose between evolution or divine creation? On whether there exists an absolute morality or not? On whether this life has a purpose or not? Why? Why not just live out life, instead of questioning it and examining it so much. And I think the answer lies in the question itself. I already have. For most of my life, I have been doing precisely that. Just living out my life. Something woke me up. And this is possibly the period of reflection that follows. It's like waking up from the Matrix. You just can't go back. And once you're out, you have to try your best to understand just what the heck is going on! Because even though you thought none of it affected you, you realize now that it did, and it always will. And before you write this off as some Fight Club inspired moment of fantasy, let me clarify, it most certainly is. Tyler, I need you to listen to me very carefully. My eyes are open.

I had initially ended this post with the above line, but when I read it, it felt incomplete. It felt like some kind of a silly rant against society, ending with an obviously unoriginal movie dialogue. That's not what I intended it to be. I think the point that I'm trying to make here is that a lot of people in this world are clueless about a lot of things, and that includes you and me. To be aware of the fact, that everyone's thoughts and actions are coming from, at some level, a total and absolute ignorance of certain relevant facts is the point that I'm trying to make. Once you acknowledge this, it's not hard to see why pondering even seemingly irrelevant questions may not be such a bad idea after all. You might just stumble upon something wholly original that you could otherwise never have known. And who knows, one day that silly piece might just fit perfectly somewhere in your jigsaw puzzle of a life!!


  1. By putting this down in words, you have conveyed the message to many of us: that with such thoughts, we are not alone.. Rewarding or not, maybe pondering 'on matters that have no bearing on my life whatsoever' is human.

    1. Yes, boon or bane, maybe it is human after all. And if something ends up having a bearing on our life at some point in the future, it makes for a very satisfying moment!
